NIC Driver Real-Time Network Device (RTND) Functions

Below are the supported NIC Driver Real-Time Network Device (RTND) functions:

Function Description


Called for each instance of the driver when the driver should configure the NIC hardware. This function should set up receive buffers/transmit buffers, card modes, events, etc.


Called by the stack when an instance of a driver is being first brought online.  This is the first routine in a driver that is called by the stack.


Called when the stack requires that the driver configure certain NIC modes or characteristics.


Forwards a request to the underlying driver to query the requested capabilities and/or statistics of the RTX64-converted NIC card.


Called when the stack requires that the driver transmit a packet (pointed to by the parameter mp). The packet is in a structure format required by the RT-TCP/IP Stack, which the driver does not need to know. The driver should use the RtnDecodePacket routine to obtain the network device (ndp), data pointer and data length for the packet.


Called when the stack requires that the driver start (or stop) a particular NIC card.

DrvISR The Interrupt Service Thread (IST) is started from the RtndUpDown routine by attaching to the NIC interrupt.


See Also